

Mollika Sajady.

Doctor’s Orders

Mollika Sajady (MNLEND 2018-19) is a developmental pediatrician at Children's Minnesota and a parent who believes in the healing power of nature and listening to families. “I learned a lot during my training, but a lot of what I’ve learned, and my best teachers, came from connecting with families.”

Read more about Sajady.

A person in a wheelchair moves down the hall of an office building. The person is viewed from behind and cannot be identified.

Minnesota should end sub-minimum wage for workers with disabilities

MinnPost recently published an opinion piece by ICI’s Brian Begin about ending sub-minimum wages for workers with disabilities—a move now being considered by the Minnesota legislature. “We don’t need this relic of the past,” he writes. “Competitive employment is one way out of poverty, and it expands people’s skills, which creates new workers who can fill jobs as labor shortages continue.”

Read the opinion piece in MinnPost.

A training session at SEEC (Seeking Employment Equality and Community), a service provider in Maryland. SEEC uses the College of Direct Support curriculum to train its direct support professionals.

Connected to Something Bigger

The direct support workforce supports people with disabilities in daily living tasks, but staff turnover and vacancies are rampant. ICI developed a successful online curriculum to train the workforce. It has greatly improved the quality of support and staff tenure.

Read more about training the direct support workforce.