

A training session at SEEC (Seeking Employment Equality and Community), a service provider in Maryland. SEEC uses the College of Direct Support curriculum to train its direct support professionals.

Connected to Something Bigger

Turnover among direct support professionals (DSPs) is so high that it sometimes undermines the quality of life among people supported. However, with proper training, DSP turnover can drop dramatically. ICI developed such training… and it's succeeding.

Read more about training the direct support workforce.

A person in a wheelchair moves down the hall of an office building. The person is viewed from behind and cannot be identified.

Minnesota should end sub-minimum wage for workers with disabilities

MinnPost recently published an opinion piece by ICI’s Brian Begin about ending sub-minimum wages for workers with disabilities—a move now being considered by the Minnesota legislature. “We don’t need this relic of the past,” he writes. “Competitive employment is one way out of poverty, and it expands people’s skills, which creates new workers who can fill jobs as labor shortages continue.”

Read the opinion piece in MinnPost.

The cover of Frontline Initiative, 20(1), which covers advocacy and voting. An older Black man wearing overalls and glasses holds a yellow sign that reads "Nothing about us without us." Behind him is a brightly-colored mural of a Black woman's face. In the foreground are the magazine's title and the logos of Frontline Initiative's co-publishers: ICI and the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals.

New Frontline Initiative: DSPs Speak Up!

The new Frontline Initiative urges direct support professionals to advocate for themselves with elected officials, exercise their voting rights, and help the people they support do the same. The Advocacy and Voting issue sets the stage for the NADSP Advocacy Symposium this week (April 30-May 1), when DSPs meet virtually with Congressional leaders.

Read more about advocacy and voting.